Sunday, July 25, 2010

WHO WE ARE ( Marcellus Taylor)

Marcellus Taylor is currently a junior at Penn State Harrisburg pursuing a degree in sociology. Marcellus is an active and progressive leader on campus. He is currently the student government association’s president and chief ambassador. Also, he is a member of the Black Student Union, Philosophy Club and Cause and Effect (community service club). For a career, Marcellus wants to become a professor of sociology and a founder of a Charter High School for boys. After graduation he plans to attend graduate school for sociology focusing on the sociological issues of family and education. Marcellus lives by the belief that “ education is essential for true achievement”.


  1. I see you Marcellus. Continue to be an inspiration to young men everywhere. All-boy charter schools have been making a difference in every community they touch. Nothing can stop you from making your goals a reality.

  2. Real proud and can't wait to see how big you get. Your goals are amazing and there is nothing else you can do but be amazing so all the support in the world I give to you. -Sola Falaiye
